Appartamento ad Atene

Квартира в Афинах




1 hour 35 minutes




There are no screenings in your city currently.

Can be interesting for you

I, Sergei Obraztsov

11 September, Wednesday

19:00 KARO 10 Sophia

Language: Russian, no subtitles

The Pygmalion Effect

Boris Eifman's ballet interpretation of the archetypal plot about a sculptor who falls in love with his creation

11 September, Wednesday

19:30 Kinomax Vodniy

Language: None, no subtitles

The Seagull

11 September, Wednesday

19:30 Formula Kino Europa

Language: Russian, no subtitles

Doctor Faustus

11 September, Wednesday

19:30 KARO Sky 17 Aviapark

Language: English, russian subtitles