Art In Cinemas
The special ART&ARTISTS program features a selection of films about artists who have changed the cultural landscape over the past 150 years
Bregenz Festival
Der Freischütz
A phantasmagorical fairy tale on the unique water stage of Lake Constance with incredible sets by Philipp Stölzl
John Neumeier
Die Glasmenagerie
The Fragility of Glass and Soul: Alina Cojocaru in John Neumeier's Ballet Based on Tennessee Williams' Play
Art In Cinemas
Leonardo Cinquecento
From Renaissance in Italy to the present: Leonardo's world-changing ideas that are still relevant today
Art In Cinemas
Marcel Duchamp: The Art of the Possible
A film tribute to the dadaist, the inventor of the ready-made movement in art, the creator of the "Fountain" and "Bicycle Wheel"
Moscow Pushkin Drama Theatre
The Cherry Orchard
Cherry therapy on the stage of the Pushkin Theatre: Victoria Isakova and Alexander Petrov in Chekhov's comedy of disasters.
23 October, Wednesday / 19:30
Формула Кино ЦДМ
Марсель Дюшан. Искусство возможного - спецпоказ
Кинотрибьют человеку, кардинально изменившему взгляд на искусство и культуру в XX веке. Дадаист и сюрреалист Марсель Дюшан придумал направление реди-мейд в искусстве и скандализировал публику уже в 1910-х, представляя на выставках велосипедное колесо и писсуар с автографом.

Фильм представит и обсудит со зрителями художник Николай Рындин.
Nikolay Ryndin
Artist, author of the channel about art "Art Obstrel"
27 October, Sunday / 14:30
Концертный зал «Филармония-2»
Ноймайер: Стеклянный зверинец – премьера
Джон Ноймайер, в свойственной ему манере блистательного рассказчика-философа, перенёс на балетную сцену «Стеклянный зверинец», знаменитую пьесу Теннесси Уильямса. И сделал это так, как может только Ноймайер – мудро, больно и светло. В главной партии – удивительная и неповторимая звезда балета Алина Кожокару.
16 November, Saturday / 18:00
Третьяковская галерея. Инженерный корпус
Мир Эндрю Уайета – премьера
«Магический реализм» знакового американского художника XX века. 

Эндрю Уайет – один из самых известных, но в то же время загадочных американских художников XX века и автор знаковой картины «Мир Кристины». Любовь к искусству досталась ему от отца Ньюэлла Конверса Уайета, выдающегося иллюстратора детских книг, чьи рисунки вдохновляли создателя «Звёздных войн» Джорджа Лукаса. Эта же творческая искра продолжила гореть в его сыне Джейми, сохраняя незыблемое наследие семьи Уайетов.
Kirill Svetlyakov
Art critic, chief specialist in contemporary art at the State Tretyakov Gallery
9 November, Saturday / 18:00
Третьяковская галерея. Инженерный корпус
Марсель Дюшан. Искусство возможного - спецпоказ
Кинотрибьют человеку, кардинально изменившему взгляд на искусство и культуру в XX веке. Дадаист и сюрреалист Марсель Дюшан придумал направление реди-мейд в искусстве и скандализировал публику уже в 1910-х, представляя на выставках велосипедное колесо и писсуар с автографом.

Фильм представит культуролог, специалист по истории западноевропейского авангарда Константин Дудаков-Кашуро.
Konstantin Dudakov-Kashuro
Culturologist, senior research fellow at the State Institute of Art Studies, specialist in the history of Western European avant-garde
27 November, Wednesday / 19:00
Московский концертный зал «Зарядье»
Венская опера: Турандот – премьера
От китайского ритуала до фрейдистской психодрамы.

В неординарной постановке Клауса Гута «Турандот» из классической оперы о жестокости, жертвенности и силе любви  превратилась в актуальную историю комплексов, травм и отрицания. Невероятная Асмик Григорян в паре с самым знаменитым тенором современности Йонасом Кауфманом сотворили из давно знакомого сюжета острую, современную, тонкую психологическую партию.


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John Cranko's Onegin

John Cranko’s mastery of the art of the pas de deux finds its climax in Onegin, one of the most successful full length...

The Pygmalion Effect

Boris Eifman's ballet interpretation of the archetypal plot about a sculptor who falls in love with his creation


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Arena di Verona: Il Trovatore

A spectacular production by Maestro Franco Zeffirelli. In the stellar cast conducted by Pier Giorgio Morandi: Salsi, Zajick,...


The final part of the "Ring of the Nibelung" tetralogy, an epic production by Dmitry Chernyakov at the Berlin Opera

The Queen of Spades

"… Either I am terribly mistaken or “The Queen of Spades“ is a true masterpiece..." (c) Peter Tchaikovsky


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Special projects
Bregenz Festival
TheatreHD presents a collection of performances from the annual opera festival in Bregenz, famous for its floating stage on Lake Constance. The vast space allows for the creation of the most fantastic sets above the water, and the stage designers working on the productions in Bregenz traditionally give free rein to their creativity.
TheatreHD | Dzen
Bruegel? Hogsmeade?... Bregenz!
We will see the devil riding a skeleton horse, a fire-breathing dragon, mermaids, swamp evil spirits; wolves howl, the clock spins backwards, and the full moon is about to fall to the ground. "Don't go into the Forbidden Forest, especially at night!" Swamp lights flicker, a magic circle blazes right in the water, a bell tower half-submerged in the quagmire begins to live its own life...
TheatreHD Lectures
«Eifman's performance is on the level of Bob Fosse!»
Broadway superstar Ben Vereen's impressions of the premiere of "The Pygmalion Effect", details of rehearsals and Boris Eifman's sources of inspiration - in a lecture by ballet critic Aleksandr Maksov.
TheatreHD Lectures
How do methods for composing specific performances become authorial strategies in general?
The Illuzion cinema hall hosted a special screening of L.A.D., a collection of new ballets based on the music by Leonid Desyatnikov, not originally intended for the stage. Theatre expert and contemporary dance researcher Anastasia Glukhova shared her impressions of watching four interesting works by four star Russian choreographers.
TheatreHD Lectures
"The Opera That Cannot Be Named": Lecture by Alexey Parin at the Premiere of "Macbeth"
Find out how Verdi worked on one of his most important operas, about the importance of Lady Macbeth's role, the interpretation of the role of witches by different directors, the charisma of conductor Philippe Jordan and Krzysztof Warlikowski's thriller.
Public talks
“Dreams come true”: Q&A with Evgeniy Pisarev at the film screening of the play “THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO”
Director, artistic director of the Pushkin Moscow Drama Theatre, Evgeny Pisarev, and curator of the “Theater in Cinema” project Ekaterina Zhutautaite talked about how the play was born and why comedy is more difficult to stage than other genres.
TheatreHD Reviews
Adult life of a young man
A warm, lamp-like, well-old-fashioned portrait, where the classics are played by our great contemporary. From country to country; from the syncopated tap-dancing America of wild night lights - to Moscow, illuminated by the stars of the Kremlin towers. From childhood to gray hairs; Tsyganov plays Obraztsov as an eternal boy who desperately wanted to learn to whistle, joked with Lenin and Nemirovich-Danchenko, and forever remained the Seryozha who played with the glove doll...
Arena di Verona
Horses, donkeys, carriages, ceremonial processions - the Arena di Verona is created for epic spectacles. The great Franco Zeffirelli considered it the ideal stage for his monumental, colorful and breathtaking productions. These are exactly the ones presented in our collection for the big screen.
TheatreHD Lectures
Solve the mysteries of the planet's most important surrealist
A fascinating story-trip by Tatyana Pigaryova .at the screening of the film "Salvador Dali: In Search of Immortality": Dali’s famous mustache, his childhood memories and relationship with Gala, Vermeer’s “The Lacemaker”, Luis Buñuel, the Cap de Creus rocks, a girl with a skipping rope and much more.
Jiří Kylián. Favourites
Jiri Kylian is one of the most important names in the world of dance of the XX-XXI centuries. Philosopher and joker, sage and hooligan, Kilian choreographs dances in his own special style, recognizable from the first cadence. The production is incredibly musical; he not only hears, but sees and feels the music. A master of plotless works, he nevertheless knows how to work with both narrative stories and purely illustrative tasks. The very different performances of our special project “Jiri Kylian: Favorites” once again confirm this.
THE ART NEWSPAPER RUSSIA: Memories of Goya as a portrait of the 20th century culture
An intelligent man in a coat rides on a train and sings an old folk song in Occitan, the language spoken in French Provence for centuries. This 89-year-old screenwriter, actor and writer Jean-Claude Carriere sets off on a journey through museum collections in Europe to reveal to viewers the secrets of the paintings of the great Spanish painter Francisco Goya...
Theater an der Wien
Theater an der Wien is not only a place of historical significance where the masterpieces of Mozart and Beethoven were born, but also a place where classical opera performances continue to come to life. Recording, especially as perfect as today's, allows us to stop time and watch all the best. We can watch outstanding performances from past seasons together. Immerse yourself in the world of music and art in Vienna.
Special projects
Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) - online
Introducing the Royal Shakespeare Company repertoire, the legendary theatre company from Stratford-upon-Avon, in our online cinema TheatreHD/Play. Stars of British theatre and cinema in William Shakespeare’s plays: David Tennant, Anthony Sher, Simon Russell Beale, Lucian Msamati, Christopher Eccleston, Paapa Essiedu, Kathryn Hunter and other artists loved by the audience.
Special projects
Dmitri Tcherniakov: The Russian Opera
Stellar opera productions by the most famous Russian opera director, staged in Moscow, Paris, Berlin, Brussels and Lyon, will be available online and in cinemas nationwide.